"It really relaxed me, I felt so calm. Really love the simplicity of it. No nonsense"

— SW, UK

Purchase With Full Protection:

  • 14-day money-back guarantee—so if you try it, then contact me, and still can’t get it working, I'll refund you. You have to at least try it during those 14 days.
  • Secure checkout—so your information is safe every time you buy from me.
  • Full customer support—so if there’s anything you don’t understand, you can get in touch and I’ll personally help you make it work.
  • Customer data-protection and confidentiality—so anytime you contact me your confidential is my priority. I never share anything with third parties.

It Costs Near to Nothing and Takes Zero Time.

The 1-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime, For Instant Stress Relief Or Your Money Back.

Don’t struggle with emotions anymore, use this secret 60-second technique. This relaxation method works fast. It had to find a way to beat stress in 60 seconds or less. My life depended on it. 

A relaxed mind and body make everything easier. Wilderness survival can be harsh. Especially when injured. I had to adapt, and quickly.

How It Helps:

  • Destroy stress fast.
  • Re-centre your focus.
  • Calm your nerves.
  • Balance your emotions.
  • Beat self-doubt.
  • Avoid anxiety.
  • Nurture your well-being.
  • Feel good again.
  • Regain control.
  • Be yourself.
  • Clarity and alertness.
  • Enjoy inner peace.
  • Overcome challenges.

How It Works:

1) Activate your parasympathetic nervous system. Doing this inhibits your stress response, making you feel calm.

2) Switch your focus from negative to positive without being dragged back.

3) Carry on with your day, and conquer the challenges ahead.

What You Get:

  • 1 minute MP3 meditation audio—the full technique, spoken to you with added subliminal messaging. So you can do less and get more.
  • MP3 instruction audio—the nuts and bolts of how and why the technique works. So you can understand and use it, without resistance or self-doubt.

This Technique is Perfect For:

  • Beginners—it's very easy to understand and do.
  • Spiritual people—you get lots of profound insights and understanding.
  • Nature and art lovers—you'll get plenty of both in everything I do.
  • Outdoor and off-grid enthusiasts—I've done it for years now.
  • Sensitive empaths—can survive anything using what I've mastered.
  • Creatives who love working on themselves as much as their next project but get burnt out easily.
  • Those of you who love self-improvement, want to grow, and are searching for meaning.

How Much?

Half the price of my usual meditations, the same as a few cups of coffee. Hardly anything.

£5. That’s it. Keep it forever.

For contrast my breakthrough calls are £75 for 30 minutes. Imagine that condensed into one minute, for a fraction of the cost. More importantly, image feeling secure, in-control and relaxed, whatever happens. Priceless. 

100% Safe & Secure Checkout Plus Dedicated Customer Support With Every Purchase

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Buy The 1-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime, For Instant Stress Relief Or Your Money Back.

It Costs Near to Nothing, and Takes Zero Time.

Put your regular details below, and my secure and safe checkout will do the rest. Make sure you enter your best email, you we can send your audio files over straight away.


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